Just So We're Clear



Q: Who is Cedar Glade Capital?
A: Cedar Glade Capital is an experienced and professional purchaser of trade claims in bankruptcy cases, both domestically and abroad. We are made up of seasoned bankruptcy analysts, traders, sources and attorneys. We level our vast experience as major participants in the bankruptcy marketplace.

Q: Why have I been contacted?
A: You are a creditor in a bankruptcy case and we are interested in purchasing your claim/receivable.

Q: Why should I sell my claim?
A: In any bankruptcy a creditor bears the dual risks of outcome and timing of repayment of their claim. We propose to eliminate this risk by buying your claim.

Q: Is the sale of my claim mandatory?
A: No, the decision to sell is yours. However, as with any bankrupcy case, you the creditor bears the risk of collection which generally takes years. You would also bear the risk as to the amount of your distribution.

Q: How do I sell my claim?
A: Selling a claim is a very simple matter. We sent you a standarized form that is used to transfer claims in bankruptcy cases. If the form is acceptable to you, simply sign the agreement and the notice of transfer and return it to Cedar Glade via e-mail or regular mail. Of course, we would be open to reasonable edits of our agreement.

Q: What are the benefits of selling my claim?
A: The benefits of selling your claim are essentially twofold, by virtue of the two types of risk you eliminate by selling. First and foremost, when you sell your claim you eradicate all exposure to the eventual distribution of the bankruptcy estate, otherwise known as payout risk. We assume all exposure to the size of the eventual distribution, so you are not exposed to the risk of a lower than expected distribution, even if lower than our purchase price. Second, and perhaps more profound, we assume all timing risks of the claim. The estate may not pay a distribution for months, or even years beyond the time of a bankruptcy. However, we pay within 72 hours of closing a deal with a creditor.

Q: When would I receive payment?
A: If you choose to sell your claim, we generally turn around payment, via wire transfer, within five business days of our reciept of the signed agreement and any requested due diligence materials.

Q: Will Cedar Glade come back to me for a refund if the ultimate recovery from the bankrupt company pays less than the sales price?
A: No, as long as the claim itself is not disallowed or reduced.

Q: Why Cedar Glade?
A: Since you are a creditor in a bankruptcy case, you may have received solicitations from multiple claims buyers. Cedar Glade invests its own proprietary cash when it purchases claims. In addition to our letter, you may have received a solicitation from a claims broker. Brokers do not invest their own capital and charge their clients a commission for their services. That commission is ultimately charged to you in the form of a lower purchase price. In other words, you should be seeing a higher purchase price from us.

The principals of Cedar Glade make the day-to-day investment decisions regarding our claims buying programs. We have over 20 years of experience in the bankruptcy marketplace and we aspire to reflect our expertise in our bid levels. Our internal legal department is noted for its flexibility with contract terms.